
Mourinho Christmas gift to Tottenham

Celebrate Dale Ali’s goals. Tottenham match, who had won by his goals, came to a previous press conference and said suddenly their dog had died. Jose Mourinho may not want to ask the reporters what the Christmas festival will look like. However, the Portuguese relied on Tottenham to bring back the festive spirit. Spurs supporters were not disappointed in the end. At home, Brighton and Hove fell behind Albion, but they won 2-1. With Boxing Day rolling, the prospect of being in the top four of the Premier League table has also shined up.

Mourinho was not supposed to go so well for the 2019 Christmas. In the previous match, Chelsea was beaten at home. However, Harry Kane and Dale Ali have flocked to the festival for coaches on Boxing Day. Tottenham fell behind with 3 points to spare.

But it was a joy to move forward against Brighton but the hosts were. In the 24th minute of the match watching, Brighton netted the ball to the goalkeeper, who was caught by Harry Wink’s pass. Tottenham Stadium-filled gallery at the festival, with the English striker appearing regularly in the Boxing Day match. However, shortly after the silence fell, the goals in the VAR were canceled. The replay shows why he was on the offside.

The shadow of sadness descends on Tottenham Stadium in the festive season at the head of Adam Webster.

Brighton went ahead in the 37th minute, further exacerbating the disappointment of the hosts. The shadow of sadness descends on Tottenham Stadium in the festive season at the head of Adam Webster. Webster scored the first goal of the Boxing Day match by jumping the ball to the free-kick from the right edge. Before the break, Mariano’s students created some opportunities for equality but didn’t.

In the 53rd minute of the match, why was the goal scored in the offseason? Brighton goalkeeper resisted the shot from the left edge inside the box, but Tottenham returned to the captain’s parity with a right-footed shot.

Then the fight began. That came in the 72nd minute when Ali scored a great goal. Lakshmana floated the ball from Sergey Aurier’s cross over the opponent’s goalkeeper’s head. Coach Mourinho jumped in with the visitors to the gallery. The Spurs have left the field with 3 important points in this game.

Tottenham came in fifth place with 29 points after 19 matches. With the highlight of the best fours, Mourinho made a great gift to Tottenham on Boxing Day. see more

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